Have Mason From Love Is Blind Ever Been Seen in the Same Room as Joe Alwyn?

Mason from Love Is Blind, is not Joe Alwyn with a Fargo accent, but that hasn’t stopped me from referring to him that way.

My average Love Is Blind viewing experience is like this: When the singles are in the pods, I keep everyone straight by calling them nicknames that reference identifying information about them. In season 8, Madison, for example, is Bearlien Girl. Alex is Former Bullied Kid. Devin is The Dude Basketball Coach, while Brittany is The Lady Basketball Coach. And though I know in my heart that Joey wants desperately to be known as Golden Retriever Man, he is Long Hair Guy. Eventually, as the season progresses and I’m confident that they’re sticking around, the individuals earn their legal names—not unlike the people on my friends’ flings-to-partners pipeline. One day, Mustache Guy becomes Ian.

But there is one exception, and his name is Joe Alwyn Mason. In another universe, Mason might be saddled with Cinematographer Man or Cutie Patootie. But in this universe? In this universe he is simply Joe Alwyn.

These two look so eerily alike that I’m not entirely sure Mason, who claims to be a cinematographer from Minnesota, isn’t actually Taylor Swift’s ex-boyfriend.


Image may contain Mathieu van der Poel Joe Alwyn Formal Wear Accessories Tie Clothing Suit Head Person and Face

Mason Horacek; Joe Alwyn.

This above photo isn’t doing the most for Mason—the color appears to be slightly oversaturated, and his chin is jutting upward at a slight angle—but dangit if he doesn’t look just like Joe anyway! Between the face shape, the similarly proportioned features, and their fresh-baked white boy coloring, these two are the doppel-iest of doppelgängers. Get Mason some blue contacts, and he would sweep any and every Joe Alwyn lookalike contest across the globe.

Unlike previous celebrity lookalike incidences on Love Is Blind, Mason has yet to speak on the uncanny resemblance (a Megan Fox and Chelsea situation, this is not)—though I’m sure that once people have some time to binge all six of the first batch of episodes, he’ll have to address the conspiracy theories that I and some of my coworkers have been harboring. (I mean, who’s to say “Mason” isn’t Joe Alwyn in contacts doing some deep undercover research for a new role where he’s forced to swap his British accent for a Minnesotan one?)

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