Taurus Tarot Horoscopes: March 2025

What does 2025 look like for you, dear Taurus? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—are here to help you find your highest vibrational self. Remind yourself that energetic change is good—it’s simply asking for you to grow and ascend into a new chapter of your life. Tarot horoscopes simply show the easiest path toward that growth.

So read on to see what’s in store for your sign with your monthly tarot horoscope, Taurus. And if you’d like more guidance in the year ahead, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscopes.

Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based in Los Angeles. In addition to writing her monthly tarotscopes—a combination of horoscopes and tarot card readings—for Glamour, she’s the host of the When Stars Align podcast and author of the newsletter “Pragma: Relationships & Astrology.” With more than a decade of experience and “eerily accurate” insights, her aim is to bridge the gap between the magical and the material for her community with a grounded and authentic approach. Learn more about Rose on her website themeghanrose.com and follow her on TikTok, Instagram, and Substack.

March 2025

Image may contain Leisure Activities Rug and Musical Instrument Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands: The cards show new beginnings sparking massive inspiration for you this month. The Ace of Wands invites you to embrace this fresh, creative energy and start to express your true self more.

However, with Venus retrograde moving from Aries to Pisces on the 27th, you may be forced to acknowledge what’s outside of your capacity. Do you need to outsource assistance with these new creative projects and ideas? Trust that whatever is exciting you and stirring up this inspired energy has long-term potential. It’s okay to balance passion with practicality and make a plan so that you can execute these big ideas properly. Start planting seeds, asking others to help you when needed, and soon, you may see these ideas grow into real, tangible products.

February 2025

Image may contain Doodle Art Human Drawing Person Advertisement and Poster

Seven of Cups: February is bringing a dreamy energy your way, thanks to Venus, your ruling planet, transiting Pisces. You may feel a heightened imagination and intuition as a result. So the more you can think outside the box this month, the better! The Seven of Cups shows that your dreams are starting to materialize in a way they never have before.

The Leo full moon also stirs up themes of home and family for you on the 12th, pushing you to reevaluate what security truly means to you. With many opportunities presenting themselves this month, take your time to choose what aligns with your heart rather than your fear of change…even if that change means returning somewhere you’ve already been with a new perspective.

January 2025

Image may contain Doodle Art Human Drawing Person Advertisement and Poster

Seven of Cups: This month invites you to explore new possibilities, but it also asks you to get clear on what’s real, Taurus. The Seven of Cups suggests you may feel overwhelmed by choices or unsure of your direction right now. However, Venus in Pisces arrives on the 1st and should bring supportive energy to your friendships and create meaningful connections for you to lean on this month. So this is a great time to dream big, but it’s important to stay grounded in what you value most while doing so.

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